These pictures were taken at the Art Foundry Lenz in Nuernbnerg in Germany. We were working together in the year 2011/12. Several times those years I made a trip to Nuernberg and stayed at friends or the cheapest hostel I could find. It was always a warm welcome because it didn’t happen evryday that a girl from Amsterdam came to have her work casted in bronze. I was given a good place to work alongside the workers there, whom I could ask always for help. At two oçlock sharp we had coffee and German pasteries. I just had a simple mobile phone at that time. With this phone I took all the pictures. There was only little light, toghether with the bad quality of the camera of my phone a wonderfull result came out. The photos look sometimes just like a stillife painting. For me it was a beautifull experience and therefor still a precious memory.
The foundry still exsists today.